Well, the first parts of the dino army are complete.... I have 10 dinos of a variety. Working on number 11... Like everything else I pick up, they quickly have become an obsession. Fortunately, they're easy and fast!! Here's the green Nessie (pleisiosaur). He came out ridiculously cute.
Since Character Camp is only a week and a half away... I think... I am frantically working on the new underdress to go with my old black overdress, which needs new trim, since the old got more than a little... icky. But, I think it should be able to carry me through the first part of the season, at least. After that, hopefully I will have the new black underdress done to go with the copper overdress... or something like that. Mix and match is wonderful, and if I get the copper underdress with the copper overdress, boy would I shine in the sunlight!
This year, it sounds like lots of people want to carry canes. Because of that, I am ditching mine and picking up a new prop. I think - if I can get them done - I will use my gloves as a prop. I want to make embroidered cuffs for them. Given that I have a while, I still need to get busy. As well as getting busy on my blackwork project.
Speaking of blackwork, a friend - Ducky - made a blackwork hanky for me! It's lace-trimmed and quite nice! I shall enjoy flourishing it about this coming-up season. :) I'll have to get a pic of it and upload it.
So, current (working) projects on tap: dinos, copper underdress, fix black overdress, glove cuffs, blackwork, Ducky's husband's gift.