Phoenix plush number one. I am almost done with number two, and have the pattern hashed out for baby phoenix. Only a slight obsession.
Still stitching the cat stuffie. So far it looks good. Maybe by Monday I will have it completed and have pics up.
Good news... job interview tomorrow. That's a good thing. And maybe another one early next week. Yay! And this weekend one of the local wolesale fabric places is having a sale - and faux fur is on sale. And since they also do free trim samples, life is good.
A while back a friend gave me a necklace with a phoenix pendant. I love it, but the chain kept turning my neck green. I finally got a new cord for it, and can wear it all the time now. I feel much better - my own personal symbol of things in flux and getting better. Let's hope it's a sign of better days ahead. I could use a few.
Pushing 122k on DotP, about to start Chapter 19. I am pleased with the way it's going so far, and hope the rest of it works as well as the bits I've completed.
It's rainy today, and the Vine Street bunnies were still out this morning. Several were sitting out in the middle of people's yards looking sad and pathetic in a wet-bunny kind of way. I guess when you're a bunny, if you're hungry, you have to go out to eat no matter what the weather.