Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Definitely a multpilicity of bunnies. Several were carousing this morning, nibbling people's lawns, amusing themselves doing bunny-type things.... Figured there were more than one. Confirmation is good, though.

As noted, here's the back of the hapi-style coat lining. The far arm doesn't show up terribly well in the smaller pic, but it's a black and deep wine-y purple. Very pretty. The front is also multi-colored. When I get the other material (for the shell) I will be able to finish this one.
Did not get a chance to work on the stuffed cat yesters, so it's on today's list of things to accomplish. DID manage to get the lawn mowed, the dead limbs cut out of the tree, the scary insane homocidal rosebush trimmed and the equally scary homocidal holly cut before it took over the front of the house. So much accomplished on the outside.
Also took back up and old WIP - Teresa Wentzler's Tradewinds. I hadn't finished much on it, and now I will have to find most of my flosses all over again, but I figure... why not? It's something I haven't done in a while.
Not that much happening today.

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