Friday, August 7, 2009

Friday, at long last....

My cat has been sick, so we finally took her to the vet. She has a viral infection, and has to have meds twice a day - pediatric Amoxicilian. She does NOT like it, but it's a liquid version, so she doesn't have much choice in the matter. And she's already feeling better - well enough to strenuously object to medicines. She's only 12 pounds, which surprises me. She's... dense... for 12 pounds. :)

And Donna's been having computer issues - for about 4 days solid. I THINK we've managed to fix things. I certainly hope so.

Still working on the bodice for NEXT year's TRF... although I am further along than I expected to be at this time.

This weekend hopefully will be the ReStore, looking for a table to use as a cutting table in the craft area, and maybe a few estate sales. I hope so. I love estate sales. Maybe this time I'll take the camera with and snap some pictures. And we need to go by the fabric store and find broadcloth to match the scarlets worn by Cpt. Sharpe so I can get back to work on that.

I have an idea for a craft, but I haven't found the perfect base for it yet. Maybe this weekend. And I need to dig out the linen and cut it to edge the circle skirt I made for next year's garb. Or maybe TRF garb. We'll see.

Going to make a bracelet for my GM for her birthday this month - she wants a bright red bracelet. I can do that, most likely with what we have on hand.

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