Wednesday, August 26, 2009

More stilts, more sewing, and so forth

Had the third stilt lesson this Monday. I went from regular stilts to jumper stilts. WOW. I had such fun on them - walked for almost two hours solid, went across all sorts of rocky and grassy terrain - and I want to do more! I learned to walk backwards, walk side to side both by 'sidling' (just shuffling to the side, really), and by strafing (crossing one leg over the other as you walk sideways). I even went for a jog with one of the instructors holding my hand. Which is good, as I almost fell. :) He caught me, though, so I still haven't fallen completely over.

On jumper stilts it's almost impossible to stand still. You have to keep shifting your weight, because the pads are not that big - maybe a couple of inches wide on each side - and slightly curved, so it's difficult to stand still. It was a great time, and I learned that while I can't sing well, I can sing on while walking on stilts. It doesn't make me sound any better, but I have the energy to sing.

On the sewing front, still working on the beaded bodice and a few other things. We re-arranged the sewing area so we have a much nicer cutting table (as in, now we have one and don't have to use the cutting board put on the bed to cut fabrics). Things are getting better, and I can start working harder on stuff now! (I am currently making a totebag out of a kimono sleeve - pics of it when I am done).

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