Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Because I Need....

Picked up two more projects today...  HOPEFULLY I can get them done and get pics taken tonight.  If not tonight, tomorrow... I am making an early 'resolution' to be better about keeping this blog up and to keep up with the pics. 

I am trying to get ready for Christmas/Hannukah/the Solstice/Saturnalia, whichever people celebrate, and my friends celebrate all of the above and more.  I am not sure about Kwanzaa... I'd have to ask.  I have plans for decorating.  I have this image in my head of the house I would love to have and the Christmas decorating I would do.  The house of my dreams isn't really even that big, but it would be one that reflected me and my tastes.  Comfortable.  Not brand-new.  Biggish lot.  A place for a cottage garden and a vegetable garden and maybe a little greenhouse.  A place I could dedicate to writing (not that I don't have a computer room and so forth where I can write, but a place that wasn't cramped and crowded with all sorts of stuff, but a place of books and the furniture I need, no more, would be nice). 

Every time I look around, I think I could pare down my belongings, get rid of some of the dross.  But... I am not a minimalist.  I inhabit two rooms in a friend's house, and am grateful for them.  But I know the house of my heart.

I will temporarily assuage the desire for this dream house in crafting, in creating, and maybe one day make a version of it, whether full-sized or in miniature. 

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