Here, finally, is the Quilt of Many Colors top. I am still working on cutting out the squares for the bottom. This is not a very clear pic, but it DOES show how bright it's going to be. It's also of a decent size - each square is 8" when finished, and it's 12 squares by 12 squares. Should work out to 96" on each side when all is said and done. That is definitely big enough for my bed, and will keep me nice and warm.
Forgot to take a pic of the completed second-most-favorite gift-to-give. Will do that tonight.
Barring that, my XMas gifts are done/made/purchased. (For family, at least). I have MOST of my friends' XMas stuff done as well, but there are still some people I am having difficulties with.

Here's one of our XMas ornament/sachets. We put about a score on the tree this year (it's a big tree, goes to the ceiling) and the cats don't mess with the branches. An added benefit - it's pretty, smells nice, and the cats leave it alone!
It's funny how easy these are to make - a little ribbon, something that smells good, and beads. I'm tempted to put up a tutorial, if anyone is interested.
And of course, nothing says they HAVE to be solely for holiday decorating. Some are not terribly XMassy, and would make good sachets in the closet - hang it on the wall. We have a few that are strung together that make good garland, or would be nice in the kitchen. Maybe I'll hang one in the kitchen here and see how well it works. Spice, I think.....
Wrote a little yesterday - not as much as I wanted. But I am going to try to keep going. I've managed to advance the plot some, which makes me feel much better! The flow is working, the structure I've set for it is working... it's all working.