Friday, December 5, 2008

Craft Show Prep

The next craft sale is on Monday. Therefore, we must spend all time getting ready.

Or something like that.

I have two blankets to make by Sunday evening. Donna has three, so I don't feel quite so rushed. Still have more XMas prezzies to make, so we'll see how much gets crammed into the weekend. There is also Fight Club to contend with on Sunday - hopefully we will start co-ordinating the big fight, and can start on the pub brawl and such. Need to run through the lane fights, too. (Sheesh, sounds like I will be doing lots of fighting next year!) Fortunately, one of the lane fights is already very well known, and I expect it won't take long to whip back into shape. Should be interesting.

Find myself looking forward to next year's faire, even with a slightly altered character. Will be interesting to see if we can pull it off.

As far as projects to come: blanket of many colors - top part is cut out and about 1/6th pieced together. The bottom has not even been started yet, it may have to wait for the days around XMas. Doll #1 - almost done except for the face. That will have to be after this weekend. Then I can stuff it and start on the clothing. Phoenix coat - the base coat is done, and I have the materials for the rest. Just need to start placing motifs and such. Waiting for approval on character before going forward with garb for the season. And may need to find something to make a dark gray cloak out of, if we get what we're looking at now.

Anyway, off to housework and fleecework.

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